Once Upon A Prayer

Sunday, September 18, 2011


A piece of me died this mornng. One family broke the silence, and the emails have begun to come in about the horrible treatment and conditions of the orphanage where our daughter is waiting for us.  I always assumed that our daughter might sit in wet diapers much longer than she should, or that she would spend most of her days in her crib without hugs or kisses.  But things are not always what they may seem, and the "model orphanage" that our daughter is living in has some very dark secrets.  Secrets that adopted children are now telling their parents.  As hard as these stories are for us to stomach, knowledge is power and we are desperate to know what our daughter is going through so that we can help her once she comes home.

If ever you have thought about adoption, now is the time to stop thinking and start acting. There are 147 million orphans in the world who are counting on us to do something about this atrocity.

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