Sunday, May 6, 2012

Adventures in Shanghai

Well it has been quite the emotional journey for Jacques and Emily over the last few days. Moments of happiness, frustration, excitement and joy and some all at the same time. There have been tears of laughter and tears of relief that this year long journey is becoming a reality.

Here is Emily and Jacques on the long plane ride to Shanghai from San Fransisco! What an experience that flight was! 

Jacques left Shanghai today at 3:00 pm to fly to Mongolia to meet Lily Grace for the very first time. Emotions are high as we are patiently awaiting the phone call from him saying that she is safe and sound in his arms.  Meanwhile back at the ranch (here in Shanghai) Emily and I are anxiously getting prepared for tomorrows adventure of meeting Mackenzie Ty for the very first time.  It has been such an incredible blessing for me to be apart of this journey with them as they get to meet their daughters for the very first time. I am excited to watch them as they get to bond with Lily and Mackenzie.

So, today is day 3 of our Shanghai experience and I finally experienced my first taste of real authentic Chinese Food. Up until now I have not been very daring and have not ventured out there to eat the local food-- terrified that I will get sick. Well I survived! :)
After Jacques left for the airport.. Emily and I decided we would be brave and take the city head on.. WOW!  Emily and I went to the Carrefour which is the Chinese version of a Walmart to find a stroller and some snacks. Needless to say our trip was unsuccessful--but not at all uneventful. My advice to anyone who is traveling overseas and is terrified of using a "squattie pottie".. GO BEFORE you leave the hotel, because more than likely any bathroom you go to outside of the hotel is a squattie pottie.. It was an experience I will never forget, but glad I was able to experience it. For those of you who have no idea what a squattie pottie is.. Here is a picture!  It's hard to take it all in right??
Well it's time for Em and I to get some sleep so that we are fully prepared for tomorrow's awesome adventure! Thank you to all of you who have been supportive and have been praying for this family! Keep them in your prayers as they are getting prepared to meet their precious little angles that God has specially picked for them. This is a momentous occasion!

Love to you all~


  1. I don't know about Shanghai, but when you get to Guangzhou eat whatever your guide orders - the Cantonese dishes are AMAZING!!! Tell him or her to take you to a place pronounced Tao Tao Fu - it's somewhat near the pearl market. As long as everything is cooked you should be fine - just stick to fruits that you can wash and peel back in your room.

    My husband said the chicken's feet were a little crunchy for his taste, but the pigs feet really weren't bad...


  2. God's blessings to you all on this wonderful journey! I have really enjoyed following it and am looking forward to our own. :-) Laura
