Sunday, May 6, 2012

Mackenzie's Gotcha Day (9:30am)

Dear Mackenzie Ty,

In just an hour and a half your entire world is about to change.  I wish I could somehow assure you the moment they place you in my arms that this change is going to be amazing!  I've watched enough "Gotcha Day" videos to know that you will probably feel scared, overwhelmed, nervous, angry, and sad.  No matter what your response is to me, or the entire situation, I will tell you wo ai ni (I love you).  Our guide, Sandra, told us that you will probably not understand what that statement means since you have more than likely never been told that before.  However, I will continue to tell you wo ai ni until you understand and believe it to the core of your being.  And in the not too distant future, when you begin to realize that you have so many people who love you and only have your best interest in mind I hope that every scary, sad, or lonely moment you have ever experienced over the past three years will be replaced with a new memory of security, peace, and unconditional love.

I woke up this morning at 2:30am because I was too excited to sleep.  You are worth every single piece of paperwork (and trust me, there was a lot), every LONG day of waiting, and every tear I cried because at times the longing to hold you in my arms was too much to bare.  Words cannot express how thankful I am to God for choosing me to be your mommy.  You are beautifully and wonderfully made, and I am excited to learn all there is to learn about my sweet Mackenzie Ty!

Happy Gotcha Day sweetheart...



  1. Sweet are so so so so loved, precious girl!!!!

  2. Dearest Mackenzie Ty,

    I can remember the day that mommy and papa announced your name to the world and how they so creatively did that and so lovingly named you after your uncle.

    It has been my honor to pray for you and Lily as your mommy and papa got ready to hold you in their arms.

    You are a precious little princess and soon you will have pigtails, big bows and wiggly pants to show off your princess-ship.

    May God protect your little heart and may you know the love of your forever family even today.


    Auntie Patty

  3. Hi Emily, I know you have been in the hospital with Mackenzie and her burst eardrum. I hope you and she are doing better!!! Also, can't wait to see/read how Lily Grace's Gotcha Day went with Jacques. I been thinking of you and your family a lot the last couple of days and just wanted to send you a quick note.


    PS.... Mackenzie looks BEAUTIFUL in your Arms!!!!!!
