Friday, December 14, 2012

Lily's 4th Open Heart Surgery

Lily has been held captive in the hospital for the past three weeks with pleural effusions (fluid in her lungs).  The hospital wifi has not been working, and therefore our blog has been severely neglected. 

Lily is currently in the operating room under the skilled hands of Dr. Jonas, undergoing her fourth open heart surgery.  Today, Dr. Jonas will attempt to use donor tissue to attach Lily's right pulmonary artery to her Fontan (the gortex tube that was placed in her chest in July to re-route her blood flow).  Unfortunately, donor tissue likes to be attached to human tissue, not gortex.  The surgery team is giving this surgery a 20% chance of working, and even if it does work, it will only last for 1-2 years maximum.  Lily needs a God-sized miracle in order to get her right lung to properly function again.

As it turns out, Lily, Jacques and I all have the same blood type...B+.  Because I am pregnant, I was not allowed to donate my matter how convincing my pleas may have been!  The awesome news is that Jacques was able to donate his blood to be used during Lily's surgery.  Very soon, Lily will have her Papa's blood coursing through her veins!  I get chills every time I think of this beautiful symbolism.

The hours, days, weeks, and months following this surgery hold a lot of unknowns for our little empress.  I will try to keep the blog updated as best as I can, since I know she has prayer warriors around the world who are storming the gates of heaven on Lily's behalf. 

Lily in the surgery prep room this morning...
being a rock star as usual, even though she clearly knew
what was about to happen.  Sooooo brave!

What's been amazing to us throughout all of this, 
is that although Lily is going through intense heart surgeries, 
she is doing work on the hearts of everyone who meets her!

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Mathew 5:8


  1. Precious, simply precious. What a pure child of God she is. Love her:)

  2. Rememer nothing is impossible with our creator.He created her, he can heal her. Been thinking about you guys for sometime. We'll keep praying.

  3. Thanks for taking the time to update the blog (and the FB group). Know we are praying for sweet Lily and for the whole family and for a "God-sized" miracle. We know He is in the business of doing such miracles!! Sending hugs to you as you wait today. Elaine

  4. I have been checking and checking. Your precious Lily is in our prayers, along with your entire family. Thanking God for his miracles and praying for one for your sweet empress. Hugs!!

  5. So glad to get an update on one of these precious girls! Hoping the best for the whole family. Professor I had no idea you are pregnant, that's fantastic congratulations! What a busy house that will be, and so blessed!

  6. what a gift she is! praying that all went well with the surgery & that you all (including lily) stay strong. reading about the latest prognosis makes me wonder if a second or third opinion would not do her little heart good? i have heard AMAZING things about the procedures under way up at boston... lily is always on our hearts. best to you and your sweet family!
