Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Day 6 - Godwink

Lily's night nurse on Monday found the cutest hospital gown with tigers on it that says, "Tired Little Tiger".  It just so happens that Lily's favorite song is, "Liang Zhi Lao Hu", which means "Two Little Tigers".  For the past couple of days, everyone who sees Lily comments on how cute she is, but also on her adorable hospital gown.  Apparently, nobody seems to know where this hospital gown came from since the ones they have at this hospital are a pale green color.

Lily's Liang Zhi Lao Hu Hospital Gown

Hundreds of miles away, in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, is a little girl names Brooke.  Brooke and Lily met in China while our families were finalizing our adoptions.  We discovered that Brooke and Lily have very similar heart defects, and yesterday Brooke had her Fontan procedure done as well (which is the same open heart surgery that Lily had on Friday).  You can follow Brooke's amazing journey here.  

After a ridiculously scary morning for Lily, God came through with a GIANT Godwink just for us.  You will never believe what hospital gown Brooke was given to wear!

Brooke's big sister Meredith told me that all of the other hospital gowns are pale green just like they are here.  What are the chances that both of these special heart babies from China would be in hospitals hundreds of miles apart wearing the same "unique" hospital gown?  I suppose the odds are pretty good when you serve an omnipotent God!

Jesus looked at them and said,  
“With man this is impossible, 
but with God all things are possible.” 
Mathew 19:26


  1. God is oh so good. Praying for both of these adorable little girls and their families.

  2. I LOVE IT!! brought tears to my eyes. Praying daily for both Lily and Brooke.

  3. This made me cry! God is so faithful! If we trust Him with our lives, He will show up and wow us every time! It doesn't mean we won't have trials, but it does mean that we NEVER feel alone! Thank you for sharing this beautiful moment! :)

  4. Oh My Word.

    My girl is an unrepaired heart kiddo. Here is the link to her last Cath. 3 weeks ago. Go down to the picture where we are in the OR waiting.

    She has your little girls pajama bottoms on :-)

    OK, Tigers are special!

  5. How Sweet! They are indeed two very special little girls with special families!

  6. Sending lots of prayers your family's way but especially for Lily.

  7. We just got back from china last night but we have been watching and praying for Lily the whole time. I got chills about Lily and Brooke have the same gown on! My children love the same song!

  8. AMAZING! Just popped over from someone on facebook posting about your sweet Lily. I have a heart baby too - though hers is not nearly as complicated :( we will be praying for your sweet baby Lily !

    xo ellie & tia
