Saturday, October 1, 2011

Be Strong and Corageous

This morning while I was doing my bible study, the verse I was focusing
on was Joshua 1:9

Be strong and courageous.  
Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, 
for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you will go.

Oh how I needed that this morning!  Jacques and I are desperate to share Jesus with Juliana.  I was feeling really discouraged when I woke up this morning.  FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) keeps creeping in that a non-Christian family will adopt her.  If she only has 2 years to live on this earth, I want her to live with the knowledge that death is NOT the end.  I am not of the mindset that our family is better than any other.  I know there are moms out there who are crafty and can sew beautiful clothing for their little ones...I cannot even sew a button.  I know there are dads who make more money than my husband and I put together.  BUT, one thing we make sure our children know from the very day they are born (or adopted) is that Jesus loves them.  There is no sweeter sound to my ears than hearing my 3-year-old thanking Jesus in her prayers for dying on the cross "to make her sins go away".  My 6 year old has a faith and belief in Jesus Christ that cannot be shaken.  She is our little evangelist and boldly brings Christ into her public! 

We have already sent a care package to our daughter in Shanghai along with a letter telling her how much we love her and Jesus loves her.  What a privilege it would be to be the Mommy who gets to teach Juliana how to sing "Jesus loves me". 

Oh how I pray that I get the chance...

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